Wednesday 12 September 2012

Reflection on Media Culture class

Despite its name, Media Culture can be quite an enjoyable class. The course teaches us to look deeper into matters and, especially, to understand better the power of media. I'm not sure about the importance of this class as a core subject, perhaps it is way too specific and there is little to learn despite the long hours of class; it's the same method taught over and over again- the ability to explain our thoughts, to understand ourselves and the power of media, as well as to find our own words to stand up for our beliefs. I think the class has been repetitively teaching these skill sets. Not that I have a problem with it- other subjects has been way too intense and this was good off the hook as a more relaxing subject.

Unlike others, I managed to keep up with Mr. Yap Sau Bin's lectures from the first class and I actually find his lectures interesting. Although I did not understand the question very well and I've only learned it when Mr. Yap Sau Bin gave a more thorough example of what should be in the report when we've finally sent it... I guess that's the only downside to it. Obviously, I would choose Assignment 2 over Assignment 1 because of this. Also, the fact that Assignment 2 was broken into three questions week by week and the short post requirement makes it way easier and preferable compared to Assignment 1.

All in all, this subject has been quite an interesting journey. Thank you Mr. Yap Sau Bin and Ms. Helena for being so kind to us and devoting yourselves so passionately in teaching this subject.

Reflection on media culture class

When I first enter the class, it feels like usual, nothing interesting much. But after we are having the first lecture session, I found it is actually fun the way how the lecturer teach us, especially Mr. Yap Sau
Bin. Although sometimes, his story confuses me.. but I actually enjoy. For Mdm Helena, she would always keep the lecture simple and easy to understand. 

For the 1st assignment, I DON'T really like it since I don't really enjoy writing a long essay. I don't know why but it is hard for me to get and write the points into the essay. But for the 2nd assignment, I REALLY like it. Blogging makes me feel as if you are not actually doing assignment... Like normal people blogging everyday and it is easy for me to write what I want according to the assignment.

For the overall class, I REALLY enjoy it. I learned a lot about our society from this class and I love watching the movie during the lecture session. It is quite sad that the class is going to an end. I thank you to both my lecturer for giving us the guide and information while we are doing assignment! I hope to meet them in another class. (HOPEFULLY) 8D!


Ooohhh, You want to know my opinion about this course?
for the first three weeks, I was trying to give out my focus 100% to what Mr. Yap Sau Bin lecture in front of the class. 
Yeayyy.. 100% auto-focus.

My first impression about this class is we all gonna learn about the cultures like Kadazan and Murut. While the media in 'Media Culture" stands for their cultural stuff as the dances, songs their language and others. 

After a while, i've found out that this class is about the media culture in our society nowaday. Anyway i've defined my personal definition of media culture in the report submitted not so long ago.. 

The next three weeks, the enjoyable parts started. We started to understand that media culture is a part of our life. The best is when we started to use E-theatre as our lecture class, so comfortable, relaxing and sometime we can sleep, Lol.

The next three weeks, we turned out to be more serious as Mr Yap Sau Bin bought a Sarawak documentary producer to show us something. That day, we knew the dark side of the media culture in Malaysia.

Mdm Helena, i think she is so kind while lecturing us.. She lecture our lesson straigh to the point, unlike mr Yap Sau Bin. He usually will walks around and tell us some stories first.
And now, the class is almost over, I shall miss this relaxing class...

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Internet Regulations and Censorship by Athirah Azhar

Who regulates the internet? 

For me I think there is no specific organization or person that regulates the internet because everyone is free using the internet anywhere and anyhow they want. But there are some organizations that took steps to deal with this new frontier like FCC. 

Do you think there should be internet censorship? Why? 

Im sorry for sharing this video but for me it is a good example why there should be internet censorship. As we all know that internet are being used by people of all ages. Ask yourself "is this appropriate for the youngsters under 18 years old to watch. Even for us it isn't appropriate to watch something that can make someone's reputations gone bad. This may not jest be in the pornographic aspect but in general in keeping the ring way of using the internet. (=^-^=)y
Who regulates the internet? 

Internet regulator? Mmmm.. I think the SOPA and the PIPA and ACTA regulate the world wide internet network, but I dont think we have an internet regulator in our country, Malaysia. The only body that exist in Malaysia that control (but not entirely) the internet issues in Malaysia is SKMM ( Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia ). But, they not filter what we did to the internet, they just react to the cyber-criminal only.

Do you think there should be internet censorship? Why? 
Internet censorship,  i think internet censorship is relevant and not relevant! I know maybe some of us can do bad thing on the internet. Still, it is individual independence to decide on what they are doing. Maybe malaysia should do like this, before we connect to the internet, they should ask for the IC number first. That is because I think the internet should use censorship to avoid under-18 kids to explore bad stuff that is not relevant to their age. It will be bad if the internet influenced the kid with bad thing that resulting in negative social living and bad attitude development.  

Dirty Harry? LOL

lm sure you've heard about the Naked-Harry. 

lt was trending few weeks ago. Why they dont censor it away, it is such a humiliation for the royal family.. well, he is a public figure. We all want to know about him, but still, why dont they censor it away from the internet?!


Topic Discussion 3: Who regulates the internet? Personally, do you think there should be internet censorship? Why?

Who regulates the internet?

From the reading resource that I got, each contry has regulated the internet by their own based on the laws that they have but there are some resource says that the goverment US regulated the internet and some information state that no one regulated the internet.

Personally, do you think there should be internet censorship? Why?

For my opinion, there should be internet censorship because for example nowday there are to many thing that we did't even need to know and see have in the internet. When this thing happend, we refer back who are the user and audience of the internet. There are not only adult but also teenager and child that using internet and this thing will effect them. What if they make that bad thing as their example for their life?

by Nur Faizah Isdiwarman (1112700598)

Topic Discussion 3

Who regulates the internet? Personally, do you think there should be internet censorship? Why?

Who regulates the internet?
No one regulates the internet, which mean there is no specific entity who regulates the internet. Internet can be use by everyone and they regulates on their own by posting and downloading a stuff.

Personally, do you think there should be internet censorship? Why?
Yes. I think there should be internet censorship because internet not really safe and there's alot of crime case that can we see through the news on television and newspaper about the internet crimes. 

By putting censorship it can also protect children online from being exposed to harmful material found on the internet, which is to avoid them from open a things that not suitable with their ages. 

Just like Prince Harry case on his nude pictures, I think that this kind of thing should not happen to him because he is a part of royal family which an example for people observation. But I hope this can be a lessons to all people for not to trusting the internet by posting something too personal for audience to watch. Hopefully he become more careful about what he's doing now.


Nur Ilya Khairiah Binti Alias_1112700340

Topic 3: Internet Regulation and Censorship

Who regulates the internet?

Different countries have different regulators, most of which are government act in order to stop its users from the access of political content. The only country that succeeds in governing the internet is China. A proof of this is the internet censorship that has been going on for years now.

Because each country has their own regulators, all of which do not belong to a single company, the best conclusion is that no one regulates the internet. Even the World Wide Web Consortium are made up of several companies.

A lot of act has been proposed as the US government's attempt to take control of the internet; SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA, all of which had been strongly opposed.

Personally, do you think there should be internet censorship? Why?

Yes, I believe there should be internet censorship to some extent. However, as adults, it would be a shame if they do not possess the knowledge of these so-called illegal contents. What I'm trying to say is, there are things kids do not need to know until they grow up. A while ago, I watched a video of a whole village reporting the discovery of a huge mushroom which turned out to be... well, something else.

Among one of the episodes from the TV series Law & Order, one of them was about a child who raped his own classmate. All it took to save him from severe punishment was by claiming he was a victim of media influence. Now this is a very good example of why there should be internet censorship; it influences children to do things that are prohibited to their age.

Besides that, issues about the power of internet has only come to a wider range of attention after the naked picture of a member of the royal family was distributed. Obviously, this damages the royal family reputation. But I'd like to think that should be a different case; a case of which it is against the privacy policies that is directed to the people responsible.


Topic Discussion3: Who regulates the internet? Personally, do you think there should be internet censorship? Why?

Is there someone who regulates the internet? Some said yes, some said no. This debate on who regulates the internet have been going on until today. Basicly there is no one regulates the internet.. Although there are few group of society that actually try to do the work. For example, Internet society, InterNic and few more.
(source: )

I think that there should be internet censorship. Why? It is for the sake of the young children. Today, most children don't really go on the computer and play the card games or paint. I know because I have a younger brother and I have seen him got on to the internet to play online games or search images for his school works. What I am worry about is when he want to search for images, some naked pictures might accidently appear on the search result.This will make him being all curious on what that picture is about and innocently click on it to view it. 

For the Prince Harry issues, The newspaper company blamed the internet for having no censorship and having widespread of images, thus, used the picture of  Prince Harry to  promote back their newspaper.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Who Regulates the Internet?

Who Regulates the Internet?

There is no one who regulates the Internet. Internet is like a Wikipedia which we can post up information, upload pictures and also can be edited. But Internet Service Providers (ISP) has been given a responsibility to monitor and regulate the content that has been published to the Internet. Besides that, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will track the ISP whether they are doing their works in order to make sure the content is not too over.

Regarding the Prince Harry's naked issue, there should be a censorship because Prince Harry is one of the Royal Family. But what 'The Sun' newspaper trying to say behind the naked pictures that has been printed is the ISP and FCC need to give more attention on the Internet Regulation. My opinion, they need to censor all the unnecessary things on the Internet especially the naked, porno n etc. Its not good for children and teenagers below 18 years old. They really didn't understand what it is about. So, don't spoil their brain with a dirty things. Parents also should keep on eye of what their children doing on the Internet. Don't let them online without your concern.

Besides that, if the ISP and FCC still want to put the negative things on the Internet, please make sure that the website or page is really in secure where a password is needed to continue browse that website.


Saturday 1 September 2012

TOPIC DISCUSSION 3 - Who regulates the internet? Do you think there should be internet censorship? Why?

(Question mark by Marco Bellucci)

Who regulates the internet? From the resources that I found, it says that the TCP/IP protocol on which all Internet protocols are based is not patented and can be implemented by anyone. It can also continue to operate without any one central system in charge .The short answer is no one regulates the internet.

Personally, there are pro and con about whether the Internet should be censored. From my point of view, the pro is it is too easy for children to access pornographic material. Since there are so many adult sites are readily accessible to children. A child could innocently click on it. The con is parents should know what they need to do, to prevent their children can access that kind of site (porno). There’s lots of software to block offensive sites, so parents can install the software. Internet censorship already exists, just Google "internet filter" and look at the variety of private software which do this for you without government intervention.There’s lots of software to block offensive sites, so parents can install the software,just google it.

Another reasons is, about First Amendment right to free speech (as it should fall under the freedom of the press and freedom of speech). Freedom of expression is one of the fundamental human rights ensured us by the Constitution (Perlembagaan). Anyone should be allowed to post whatever they want (self control), as part of their rights for freedom of speech and freedom of the press but we can stop the communication of material which it is illegal to possess.

In Prince Harry naked pictures case, the tabloid newspaper has chosen to publish the nude pictures because the issue has become one of "The freedom of the Press". The Sun has become the first British newspaper to publish images of a naked Prince Harry at a Las Vegas party.

“For us this is the part of the freedom of the press. The picture can be seen by the hundreds millions of people around the world on the internet” – The Sun Boss

(Long version)

In conclusion, there are pro and con about whether the Internet should be censored just like what I said . Then, we just have to control ourselves to not post or make communication of material which it is illegal to possess.

Created by  Nurain bt Md Ariff (1112701449)

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Facebook Privacy Issue

How can i quit facebooking? The most efficient way of social-networking, online-interaction, educational purpose, business and promotional stuff. Can you?

siti raihan hamdani

Facebook's Privacy Issues

Even before using a social site as Facebook, I was always aware about this privacy issue and I'am very concerned because there are things that can be displayed and there are things that just want to share with people nearby.

But sometimes people get trapped when they want to know or do something that will make their privacy data leak.

Evendo this is a serious kind of thing, stil I will stay in Facebook even after knowing about this thing because Facebook already be a international social site and there are no one that does't have Facebook and it is also a way where people interact with each other and get news.

by Nur Faizah Isdiwarman (1112700598)

Topic 2: Facebook Privacy Issues

Despite the fact that I am a frequent internet user, I do not use Facebook as often, nor did I find it any harm to do so. However, I have started using Facebook a little more than usual due to educational purposes. Some subject updates are done via Facebook. I also find it helpful because we can make group discussions very easily. I was not aware of the privacy issues. I do not upload my own pictures into the social network, but my friends adore the tag feature, which is what expose my identity to public.

From what I have read, the Facebook privacy issues is also linked to Google, which I have been cautiously using. I understand that technology gets more and more advanced everyday, sometimes to the point where it becomes uncontrollably powerful. As an ordinary user, we cannot control this, nor can Facebook. Perhaps there are ways to avoid this as much as possible, but it is definitely not impossible to completely block the system from retrieving our data. Even if Facebook do not use our information for its advertising purposes, a certain group of people (specifically hackers) can. So, think twice before you join Facebook.

For politicians and celebrities especially, with current technologies their photos can be manipulated. This can create misunderstandings and lead to serious issues. The exposure of personal information is also dangerous in such a way that people can actually track you down and harm you. Try logging into Facebook and watch what happens when you allow access to the demo application below. Do not be alarmed, however, this is only a simple digital work to alert us about the harm that can happen when you expose too much information.

Nowadays, there are multiple sites that try to fool its visitors into signing in their Facebook ID in order to track down our information. By providing the same feature with the same exact outlook, people will believe that it is indeed Facebook. With automatic chat features, they fool visitors into believing they are talking to a real person and simply by trying to reply which requires their login, they expose themselves to virus, privacy issues and other threats.
I am definitely against the use of my personal information for the purpose of reselling data or any other offences. However, this will not refrain me from using Facebook. There are ways to prevent our information from being tracked too easily. Below are examples of what we can do to overcome privacy issues.
- Register with completely fake information; this way we would be creating a persona that will conceal our true self thus we are identified as a completely different person.
- Always clear our browsing data before and after using Facebook. This will get rid of the previous logs and informations that has been entered. If we do not do this, then Facebook, or no matter any other websites that we log into may retrieve these logs and analyse them for their own interests and goals.
- Limit the information we enter when registered into any website. We do not need to provide personal information where we don't need to. We also need to be cautious of what we have posted in these sites because they keep a completely different log, which we have no control over, which can arise issues from no matter how long ago.
- Do not login from any other website besides Facebook itself. Although, if we are to visit websites that associate our Facebook account with itself, we might as well log out before doing so. Being logged in while visiting these websites allow them to collect data from our Facebook.

As for myself, I will not discontinue using Facebook. It is only logic that we understand the good, the bad and the risk of internet the moment we decide to pick up the keyboard and mouse. I have so far found it made my life better with the ease of communication it provides. I do not merely use it for entertainment or to reconnect with friends living afar, but for education as well. As long as we are careful with the use of Facebook, we have every right, and the freedom to use it.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Facebook’s privacy issues by Athirah Azhar

Privacy Issues

Facebook as we all know is a interactive social network that are widely used these day by all ages. For me the differences between the smart users compared to other users are by the way they control their behavior and privacy information. Most of the girls or even guys wanted to gain popularity or attention just by updating their pictures for every hour perhaps. They didn't know what they have just did to themselves.

Well most of them may just think that their privacy is safe enough due to their setting on the Facebook, only friends will know my details but how sure are you that your Facebook friends are your real friends?

Facebook privacy are now available in many other information such as the phone number. They will mention it for mobile Facebook purpose or other purpose but we don't see that we are giving our private number to a world wide community.

Those are just example of what we can "controlled" the information. But what we don't see s people with nowadays technologies can do everything to anything. They can just hacked your account by just one click. They information that you set can only viewed by "friends" now can be seen by everyone. And most worst of them all are there is a face recognition technology that they made to be easier for the user to tags photos.

For me, I do realize this privacy issue but I will still be using the social network, not only facebook but others to with mush more cautions on the privacy part. Like I mentioned earlier we decide who we are going to be? A smart user or the opposites. Everything does rely on ourselves and if the reason we used the network for good, it may be just fine for us.

© Tiraazhar

Facebook's Privacy Issues

The issues that are brought up is a privacy issues at Facebook. Most of us use Facebook to post about their personal info but do we know that 'some kind of people' took that info and do something beyond our thinking. They can have our personal information by the picture that match with our picture.

Of course, I'm aware about this issues because it about my own privacy, my own life. There are the pros and cons of the social media. The pros about it is we can contact our friend and family member without any charge but the cons is the privacy.

Yet, after knowing about the privacy issues, I'll still stay on Facebook because Facebook is the only way for me to contact with my old friends. Moreover, Facebook is also the place where I get information about the world and to have interaction with my classmates, lecturers and my groups. Besides that, in Facebook, we can change our privacy setting either to set it as Public, Friends, Only Me and Customs. For me, the personal information like address, mobile number, I didn't state there just to protect my privacy. The user can change/setup the privacy according to their comfort. So, Yes, with that kind of settings, I'll stay on Facebook and make sure that privacy is secured.


Topic 2 Facebook's Privacy Issues

Facebook’s privacy issues!

Are you aware of this? Would you still stay on Facebook after knowing this?

To be honest, I have always been aware of this privacy issues. As a students, I am quite active in using facebook for not only entertainment purposes but also educational purposes. It is also a place for me to be able to connect with old friends and also family member. I don't really update much important information such as my real picture as profile picture(I usually use any picture which is not related to me), phone number, e-mail address, home address and other information as I do not want the public to be able to view and use it for bad things.

 Although I know that facebook have the option to let only certain people to view your profile, but that does not make me feel secure at all. One of the privacy problem I encounter on facebook is when I wanted to use certain application such as online games, it will always ask me to let them access some of my information which are not reasonable at all!

But Alas, I would still stay on facebook even knowing there are greater risk about the privacy issues and how it might affect me. Why? Like I said before, I used this social network not only for entertainment but also for educational purposes. Most of my classes will have their own private group where we can discuss with each other about our subject. Not only that, It is also the place where I want to always connect with all my friends!

Monday 27 August 2012


Facebook’s privacy issues!

Are you aware of this? Would you still stay on Facebook after knowing this?

Well I'm not really aware about this problem before, but now I had do some research and read about this issues for this assignment and I noticed that Facebook privacy settings are not working correctly. My Facebook account was in private but when I search my name on search engines, my Facebook link will come first at the top and some of my ppictures would came out on the images part. 

It sound creepy when I read that there's many application that can be used to scan people pictures and face to get an information on their Facebook. It really dangerous especially for students, teenagers and women.

But I don't think I can stop using Facebook since it already became a part of my daily life. Facebook provide an interesting online games to be play. Sometimes when I'm bored, I'll spend my time on the Facebook playing The Sims Social and other stuff. Facebook also help me to stay connected with my family, friends from the oversea, high school friends and my virtual friends. Through it, I can get to know what they up to from time to time through the chat box, daily photo and wall status. 

Now, even in my universities I need to use this social network, most of my lecturer will asked us to join their classes subject group to discuss about the assignment and do the submission online on Facebook wall. Well I think for the collage's or university's, discussion on the Facebook is not a bad idea because by viewing people works we can learn and improving our work.  

To avoid this kind of privacy issues, I think we just need to stop or avoid sharing an important information through the Facebook and do not accepting any friend request from people we don't know at all.


Sunday 26 August 2012

Facebook’s Privacy Issues by Nurain Ariff

I aware about this issues a long time ago , but I still using Facebook to get connected with my friends. From my point of view , a user can do a lot more to protect his or her privacy while using Facebook though. For instance, phone numbers and addresses should never be viewable on a person's profile. The same goes for email addresses and other thing about our privacy life information.

On top of that, a user should consider providing a random email address as a Facebook login for his or her account so that the primary one is never compromised. There are a lot of other things that a Facebook user can do to keep themselves safe.

Sure, there are plenty of concerns over privacy when it comes to Facebook, but that does not mean the site is very dangerous or anything like that. Millions and millions of users access the site each day and do not have too many problems.

Right now,the biggest issue is that so many users hurt their own privacy and safety by providing incriminating posts and photos, listing too much personal information, or something else. To be honest, privacy should be the main concern of every user.

The custom setting allows you to customise your sharing to the extent of excluding specific people.

Unfortunately , I can’t  quit Facebook , but am going to be VERY VERY careful what kind of information I comment, post, answer questions on, etc. from now on, as well as keeping an eye on what my personal profile looks like from an non friend point of view.

Created by  Nurain bt Md Ariff (1112701449)

Tuesday 21 August 2012

ACT 114A

What is ACT 114A?

An amendment through a debate at parliament in Malaysia, states that any of the user on the Internet that are misuse of information and re-published as theirs, will be tracked and can be sue due on the act that have been created.

How could ACT 114A affect you?

I owned an Internet connection at home and when  I read about the act, I'm scared that someone will hacked the password and the possibility for me to be sue is high if him/her misuse of the free facility. Besides that, I also owned a blog and also a Facebook account but I rarely post an issues related to the politic. I always post about my personal and also about the assignments and I make it as public, so that I can get response from anyone from all over the world. So, I guess, I safe from that!

Does it really matter?

Yeah, of course it really matter to me because if someone misuse of it, the system will tracked the owner of the account, administrator, host and related. For me, the act is not fair for the owner of the account. If he/ she didn't know who misuse of it, he/ she can be easily charged and I think its not fair for the owner especially the people who have an Internet connection (wifi).

Should you be concerned?

Of course I need to be concerned of it because nowdays, Internet is something that we needed. We can't live without the Internet. Moreover, we paid for the Internet. So, we have a freedom to talk and post what we want up to a certain level. It just the act is not being fair to the owner. So, yeah, please eliminate this act as it trouble other people.


ACT 114(a) by Athirah Azhar

Well as most of us can just type on Google and search bout the Act 114a so i have come out with my own point of view what i think about this Act. I'm using Awal Ashaari just for EXAMPLE PURPOSE.. ^^

Topic 1: ACT 114A

What is ACT 114A?
Issued on the 14th August of 2012, ACT 114A is an amendment of the Evidence Act 1950. It would track down what is thought to be improper use of network facilities and trace back to the users committing, or held responsible for the act.

How would ACT114A affect you?
As an average internet user, I sometimes discuss openly about my dissatisfaction toward a person on a network site or forum, sometimes even on unrelated pages. Even though it may be minimal, I could still be charged as an offender of the law. As a student, we are required to perform research and survey, sometimes we are required to have an online blog that is put up for anyone to see. At rare times we may be obliged to discuss or to share things that may be found offensive as well and we can be held responsible for this.

Does it really matter?
Absolutely. ACT 114A allows the tracking of information back to the owner. This allows just about anyone to take action upon our own freedom of speech, for the slightest offense made. Unless the offense is major and leads to the rise of public action, I don't believe it is rational to perform this section. It's almost as if a blog would be useless at this point.

Should you be concerned?
Yes, of course. We were all granted access to the internet, we pay for it endlessly, so why shouldn't we have the freedom of speech? I think ACT 114A is a whole waste of time and energy to whoever conduct this law.

Monday 20 August 2012

ACT 114A. i posted it on 9gag!

I Posted it on 9gag, copied, and pasted it here so that it'll be bigger here.

Topic 1 ACT 114A

What is ACT 114A?

114A is a 14 August 2012 of Internet Blackout Day. This act tracking online users where they can be sues if they were found guilty for posting something illegally, sensitive or politically issues on an article or social media network. Well, even if it was posted by someone else but under the owner authorities of email, mobile devices and network registered named. The owner will be the one to accused for the blame.

How will it affect you?

It can affect me as the online user because they interrupted my privacy and freedom on the internet. If I get accused for this act I'll need to solve someone else wrongs which causes a lot of trouble and at the same time putting my name under the crime list. For me it is dangerous.

Does it really matter? 

For me it really matter, because to people who was innocent, they can be more stressful and depressed if this kind of law became a part of their burden. Getting accused for something we didn't do is scary, especially when we were presumed as 'guilty until proven innocent!'

Should you be concerned?

Of course I should be concerned about this matter since i was a part of other internet users. Well I'am someone who usually did not sign out my social network site such as facebook and twitter through own mobile or own laptop because I think that I need update my status from time to time and it kind of burden some when i need to log in and out all the time and sometimes i forgot the password. It would be unfair if someone interrupt my online activities or get accused for something that not my doing but was posted by some else.


Sunday 19 August 2012

Topic 1 ACT 114A

What is Act 114A?

To be honest, I never really know about this new Act called Act 114A until recently our lecturer, Ms. Helena, gave us a task to do some research about it.

So, what is Act 114A? It is actually the new Act that has been added to the Act of Evidence 1950 and whoever(Malaysians) broadcast or their article have been tracked in any form of social media and may contain defamatory or incitement, the government will consider you as guilty until proven innocent.

How will it affect you?

 What will happen if suddenly my facebook or twitter got hacked and the hacker post something that might contained incitement? Or what if a person created an account under my name and post something that are not supposed to be post? Or maybe they did not used my name but instead used my real pictures as the display pictures on certain website and then post something illicit? Will the hacker be accused for all what they did? No... I will be the one who will be accused for all the wrongs because the hackers used my information to broadcast.

Does it really matter? 

Of course it does matter to me. This Act is going to kill many people who uses the internet. Just joking! Well, it matters to me because it will affect the way how people used the internet. There will be no more freedom and people are not be able to voice out their unsatisfaction if the Act takes over the internet!

Should I be concerned?

After knowing what Act 114A is and how it will affect me...  I should be concerned! What if this things actually happening to me? What will happen to me if I have been accused for all the wrongs that I did not do? Will I be able to prove myself innocent? I don't think it's that easy... This must be stopped!

Saturday 18 August 2012

ACT 114A by Nurain Ariff

14 August 2012 is the Internet Blackout Day as a move against Evidence Act 114A.  Act 114A is  to raise public awareness of Amendment 114A to the Evidence Act. The amendment would make people responsible for any content coming out of their computers, mobile devices or Internet connections.

This will affect me because if someone parks outside my house and just use my Wifi to post something illegal content online , that not affect that person but at last i will become a victim and even could be sued because the illegal content that he/she post online.

Even if i forget to logout from my social account or been hacked like Facebook and twitter,a person use my account name and post something that illegal , i will also will become a victim because of that person reaction.

I agree with the statement “ Innocent until proven guilty “ where it against one of the core principles of justice. This act will make many people fear because social network is a site where people can participate  and create  without fear.

Shaifubahrim Saleh, President of PIKOM, concurred, “This amendment may appear to lower the bar for the prosecution of potentially innocent parties.”According to Shaifubahrim, the amendments made to the Evidence Act 1950 have also created repercussions on individuals, corporations and society as a whole. This results in people needing to be vigilant on any postings or contents appearing on their website or social media. Information on the Internet must be sensibly used as the post is open to everyone. (

(Picture from )

Created by  Nurain bt Md Ariff (1112701449)