Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Who regulates the internet? 

Internet regulator? Mmmm.. I think the SOPA and the PIPA and ACTA regulate the world wide internet network, but I dont think we have an internet regulator in our country, Malaysia. The only body that exist in Malaysia that control (but not entirely) the internet issues in Malaysia is SKMM ( Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia ). But, they not filter what we did to the internet, they just react to the cyber-criminal only.

Do you think there should be internet censorship? Why? 
Internet censorship,  i think internet censorship is relevant and not relevant! I know maybe some of us can do bad thing on the internet. Still, it is individual independence to decide on what they are doing. Maybe malaysia should do like this, before we connect to the internet, they should ask for the IC number first. That is because I think the internet should use censorship to avoid under-18 kids to explore bad stuff that is not relevant to their age. It will be bad if the internet influenced the kid with bad thing that resulting in negative social living and bad attitude development.  

Dirty Harry? LOL

lm sure you've heard about the Naked-Harry. 

lt was trending few weeks ago. Why they dont censor it away, it is such a humiliation for the royal family.. well, he is a public figure. We all want to know about him, but still, why dont they censor it away from the internet?!



  1. Wow I agree with you! Having Malaysia people to enter their IC number to use internet is not such a bad idea. It will probably help prevent under age people from accessing bad web sites. But I still prefer the internet censorship though because there won't be any restriction for under age kids to access internet for educational purposes.
    And to be honest, it makes me sick watching the picture you posted. They should have censored it! (x_x)/

  2. Hmm, first of all, SOPA and PIPA were bills made by governments in an attempt to control the internet, but they both failed due to the strong opposition by citizens and internet users worldwide. So, they do not regulate the internet in any way. A small part of the regulators are the government, but not these acts. PIPA may have passed and is working secretly behind closed doors, however there are countries that have denied it. That's one case, the other is that the fact that no single entity controls all of the internet, makes it free of any sort of regulator.

    Here are my sources:
    On January 21, 2012 RT news reported, "Bill Killed: SOPA death celebrated as Congress recalls anti-piracy acts". [source:]
    In the wake of online protests held on January 18, 2012, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that a vote on the bill would be postponed until issues raised about the bill were resolved. [source:]

    Secondly, regarding the censorship. Exposing IC number can be pretty dangerous. What if the person wants to view something... ahem ahem... he has a different IC number, but enters another person's IC? The government has been trying to stop people from downloading/watching illegal stuff, and ACT114A has been proven to allow them to sue people who they found to misuse the internet. So, if you suggest making them give out their IC number, imagine that person giving out YOUR IC number and you get charged for it.
