Sunday 19 August 2012

Topic 1 ACT 114A

What is Act 114A?

To be honest, I never really know about this new Act called Act 114A until recently our lecturer, Ms. Helena, gave us a task to do some research about it.

So, what is Act 114A? It is actually the new Act that has been added to the Act of Evidence 1950 and whoever(Malaysians) broadcast or their article have been tracked in any form of social media and may contain defamatory or incitement, the government will consider you as guilty until proven innocent.

How will it affect you?

 What will happen if suddenly my facebook or twitter got hacked and the hacker post something that might contained incitement? Or what if a person created an account under my name and post something that are not supposed to be post? Or maybe they did not used my name but instead used my real pictures as the display pictures on certain website and then post something illicit? Will the hacker be accused for all what they did? No... I will be the one who will be accused for all the wrongs because the hackers used my information to broadcast.

Does it really matter? 

Of course it does matter to me. This Act is going to kill many people who uses the internet. Just joking! Well, it matters to me because it will affect the way how people used the internet. There will be no more freedom and people are not be able to voice out their unsatisfaction if the Act takes over the internet!

Should I be concerned?

After knowing what Act 114A is and how it will affect me...  I should be concerned! What if this things actually happening to me? What will happen to me if I have been accused for all the wrongs that I did not do? Will I be able to prove myself innocent? I don't think it's that easy... This must be stopped!


  1. I'm agree with Farzura on how this act matters to us, on how they break into our freedom and it kinda of annoying and unacceptable if we are not be able to voice out our unsatisfaction and opinions on the internet.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I also agree with Ilya and Farzura .. I hate people who disturbed my life.. what is the meaning of freedom in social network ?.. They need to find the evidence first before make us became their victim :( .... “ Innocent until proven guilty “

  4. Thank you for sharing the video with us, Farzura. It makes everything easier to understand.
    I have heard of similar acts to ACT114A that has been around the european countries sometime around early this year. They are ACTA, SOPA and PIPA, all of which were greatly protested before it all passed. Malaysia's very own ACT114A, however, is much more worse in such a way that a person could so very easily put the blame on someone else through the simple act of using a fake name and picture that matches a particular person. The fact that this act has passed with little protest is preposterous!
